John Gray (filozof)

John Gray
Filozofija 20. vijeka
Zapadna filozofija
Biografske informacije
RođenjeJohn Nicholas Gray
17. 4. 1948. (1948-04-17) (dob: 76)
South Shields, Engleska, UK
Alma materKoledž Exeter, Oxford
Škola/Tradicijaanalitička filozofija
Glavni interesipolitička filozofija, historija ideja
  • John Stuart Mill, Isaiah Berlin, Michael Oakeshott, Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Polanyi

John Nicholas Gray (South Shields, 17. 4. 1948. – ), britanski filozof čiji su glavni interesi politička filozofija i historija ideja. Interdisciplinarne studije filozofije, politike i ekonomije studirao je na Koledžu Exeter Univerziteta u Oxfordu na kojem je diplomirao, magistrirao i doktorirao. Akademsku karijeru započeo je kao docent političke teorije na Univerzitetu u Essexu i oksfordskom Koledžu Jesus, te kasnije kao profesor politologije na Univerzitetu u Oxfordu. Radio je i kao vanredni profesor na američkim univerzitetima Harvard, Bowling Green, Tulane i Yale. Autor je više utjecajnih knjiga među kojima su Lažna zora: zablude globalnog kapitalizma (1998), Slamnati psi: Osvrt na ljude i druge životinje (2003), te Crna misa: Apokaliptična religija i smrti utopije (2007). Radi kao dopisnik odnosno recenzent za The Guardian, The Times Literary Supplement i New Statesman.


  • Mill on Liberty: A Defence (1983). ISBN 0-7100-9270-9.
  • Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy (ur. Zbigniew Pelczynski, 1984)
  • Hayek on Liberty (1984)
  • Liberalism (1986). ISBN 0-8166-1521-7.
  • Liberalisms: Essays in Political Philosophy (1989). ISBN 0-415-00744-5.
  • J.S. Mill, "On Liberty": In Focus (ur. G. W. Smith, 1991). ISBN 0-415-01001-2.
  • Beyond the New Right: Markets, Government and the Common Environment (1993). ISBN 0-415-09297-3.
  • Postliberalism: Studies in Political Thought (1993). ISBN 0-415-13553-2.
  • Enlightenment's Wake: Politics and Culture at the Close of the Modern Age (1995). ISBN 0-415-16335-8.
  • Berlin (Fontana Modern Masters, 1995).
  • Liberalism (2. izd., 1995). ISBN 0-8166-2801-7.
  • After Social Democracy: Politics, Capitalism and the Common Life (1996)
  • Mill on Liberty: A Defence (2. izd., 1996)
  • Endgames: Questions in Late Modern Political Thought (1997). ISBN 0-7456-1882-0.
  • Hayek on Liberty (3. izd., 1998)
  • False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism (1998, revised edition 2009). ISBN 1-56584-592-7.
  • Voltaire (1998). ISBN 0-415-92394-8.
  • Two Faces of Liberalism (2000). ISBN 1-56584-589-7.
  • Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals (2002). ISBN 1-86207-512-3.
  • Al Qaeda and What it Means to be Modern (2003). ISBN 1-56584-805-5.
  • Heresies: Against Progress and Other Illusions (2004). ISBN 1-86207-718-5.
  • Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (2007). ISBN 0-7139-9915-2.
  • Gray's Anatomy: Selected Writings (2009). ISBN 978-0-385-66788-3
  • The Immortalization Commission: Science and the Strange Quest to Cheat Death (2011). ISBN 978-1-84614-219-2
  • The Silence of Animals: On Progress and Other Modern Myths (2013). ISBN 0374229171
  • The Soul of the Marionette: A Short Enquiry into Human Freedom (2015). ISBN 9781846144493

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