Cistein sintaza

Cistein sintaza
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CAS broj 37290-89-4
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Cistein sintaza (EC, O-acetil-L-serin sulfhidrilaza, O-acetil-L-serin sulfohidrolaza, O-acetilserin (tiol)-lijaza, O-acetilserin (tiol)-lijaza A, O-acetilserin sulfhidrilaza, O3-acetil-L-serin acetat-lijaza (dodaje vodonik-sulfid), acetilserin sulfhidrilaza, cistein sintetaza, S-sulfocistein sintaza, 3-O-acetil-L-serin:vodonik-sulfid 2-amino-2-karboksietiltransferaza) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom O3-acetil-L-serin:vodonik-sulfid 2-amino-2-karboksietiltransferaza.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju

O3-acetil-L-serin + vodonik sulfid {\displaystyle \rightleftharpoons } L-cistein + acetat

Ovaj enzim je piridoksal-fosfatni protein. Pojedini alkilni tioli, cijanidi, pirazoli i neka druga heterociklična jedinjenja mogu da deluju kao akceptori.


  1. Becker, M.A., Kredich, N.M. and Tomkins, G.M. (1969). „The purification and characterization of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A from Salmonella typhimurium”. J. Biol. Chem. 244: 2418-2427. PMID 4891157. 
  2. Hara, S., Payne, M.A., Schnackerz, K.D. and Cook, P.F. (1990). „A rapid purification procedure and computer-assisted sulfide ion selective electrode assay for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase from Salmonella typhimurium”. Protein Expr. Purif. 1: 70-76. PMID 2152186. 
  3. Ikegami, F., Kaneko, M., Lambein, F., Kuo, Y.-H. and Murakoshi, I. (1987). „Difference between uracilylalanine synthases and cysteine synthases in Pisum sativum”. Phytochemistry 26: 2699-2704. 
  4. Murakoshi, I., Kaneko, M., Koide, C. and Ikegami, F. (1986). „Enzymatic-synthesis of the neuroexcitatory amino-acid quisqualic by cysteine synthase”. Phytochemistry 25: 2759-2763. 
  5. Tai, C.H., Burkhard, P., Gani, D., Jenn, T., Johnson, C. and Cook, P.F. (2001). „Characterization of the allosteric anion-binding site of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase”. Biochemistry 40: 7446-7452. PMID 11412097. 
  6. Bettati, S., Benci, S., Campanini, B., Raboni, S., Chirico, G., Beretta, S., Schnackerz, K.D., Hazlett, T.L., Gratton, E. and Mozzarelli, A. (2000). „Role of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate in the structural stabilization of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase”. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 40244-40251. PMID 10995767. 


  • Nicholas C. Price, Lewis Stevens (1999). Fundamentals of Enzymology: The Cell and Molecular Biology of Catalytic Proteins (Third izd.). USA: Oxford University Press. ISBN 019850229X. 
  • Eric J. Toone (2006). Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, Protein Evolution (Volume 75 izd.). Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 0471205036. 
  • Branden C, Tooze J.. Introduction to Protein Structure. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. ISBN: 0-8153-2305-0. 
  • Irwin H. Segel. Enzyme Kinetics: Behavior and Analysis of Rapid Equilibrium and Steady-State Enzyme Systems (Book 44 izd.). Wiley Classics Library. ISBN 0471303097. 
  • Robert A. Copeland (2013). Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibitors in Drug Discovery: A Guide for Medicinal Chemists and Pharmacologists (2nd izd.). Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 111848813X. 
  • Gerhard Michal, Dietmar Schomburg (2012). Biochemical Pathways: An Atlas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2nd izd.). Wiley. ISBN 0470146842. 

Spoljašnje veze

  • MeSH Cysteine+synthase
  • p
  • r
  • u
EC1 Oksidoreduktaze/spisak  • EC2 Transferaze/spisak  • EC3 Hidrolaze/spisak  • EC4 Lijaze/spisak  • EC5 Izomeraze/spisak  • EC6 Ligaze/spisak
B enzm: 1.1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/10/11/13/14/15-18, 2.1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8, 2.7.10, 2.7.11-12, 3.1/2/3/4/5/6/7,, 3.4.21/22/23/24, 4.1/2/3/4/5/6, 5.1/2/3/4/99, 6.1-3/4/5-6