Chaplygin's equation

In gas dynamics, Chaplygin's equation, named after Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin (1902), is a partial differential equation useful in the study of transonic flow.[1] It is

2 Φ θ 2 + v 2 1 v 2 / c 2 2 Φ v 2 + v Φ v = 0. {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial \theta ^{2}}}+{\frac {v^{2}}{1-v^{2}/c^{2}}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial v^{2}}}+v{\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v}}=0.}

Here, c = c ( v ) {\displaystyle c=c(v)} is the speed of sound, determined by the equation of state of the fluid and conservation of energy. For polytropic gases, we have c 2 / ( γ 1 ) = h 0 v 2 / 2 {\displaystyle c^{2}/(\gamma -1)=h_{0}-v^{2}/2} , where γ {\displaystyle \gamma } is the specific heat ratio and h 0 {\displaystyle h_{0}} is the stagnation enthalpy, in which case the Chaplygin's equation reduces to

2 Φ θ 2 + v 2 2 h 0 v 2 2 h 0 ( γ + 1 ) v 2 / ( γ 1 ) 2 Φ v 2 + v Φ v = 0. {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial \theta ^{2}}}+v^{2}{\frac {2h_{0}-v^{2}}{2h_{0}-(\gamma +1)v^{2}/(\gamma -1)}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial v^{2}}}+v{\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v}}=0.}

The Bernoulli equation (see the derivation below) states that maximum velocity occurs when specific enthalpy is at the smallest value possible; one can take the specific enthalpy to be zero corresponding to absolute zero temperature as the reference value, in which case 2 h 0 {\displaystyle 2h_{0}} is the maximum attainable velocity. The particular integrals of above equation can be expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions.[2][3]


For two-dimensional potential flow, the continuity equation and the Euler equations (in fact, the compressible Bernoulli's equation due to irrotationality) in Cartesian coordinates ( x , y ) {\displaystyle (x,y)} involving the variables fluid velocity ( v x , v y ) {\displaystyle (v_{x},v_{y})} , specific enthalpy h {\displaystyle h} and density ρ {\displaystyle \rho } are

x ( ρ v x ) + y ( ρ v y ) = 0 , h + 1 2 v 2 = h o . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\frac {\partial }{\partial x}}(\rho v_{x})+{\frac {\partial }{\partial y}}(\rho v_{y})&=0,\\h+{\frac {1}{2}}v^{2}&=h_{o}.\end{aligned}}}

with the equation of state ρ = ρ ( s , h ) {\displaystyle \rho =\rho (s,h)} acting as third equation. Here h o {\displaystyle h_{o}} is the stagnation enthalpy, v 2 = v x 2 + v y 2 {\displaystyle v^{2}=v_{x}^{2}+v_{y}^{2}} is the magnitude of the velocity vector and s {\displaystyle s} is the entropy. For isentropic flow, density can be expressed as a function only of enthalpy ρ = ρ ( h ) {\displaystyle \rho =\rho (h)} , which in turn using Bernoulli's equation can be written as ρ = ρ ( v ) {\displaystyle \rho =\rho (v)} .

Since the flow is irrotational, a velocity potential ϕ {\displaystyle \phi } exists and its differential is simply d ϕ = v x d x + v y d y {\displaystyle d\phi =v_{x}dx+v_{y}dy} . Instead of treating v x = v x ( x , y ) {\displaystyle v_{x}=v_{x}(x,y)} and v y = v y ( x , y ) {\displaystyle v_{y}=v_{y}(x,y)} as dependent variables, we use a coordinate transform such that x = x ( v x , v y ) {\displaystyle x=x(v_{x},v_{y})} and y = y ( v x , v y ) {\displaystyle y=y(v_{x},v_{y})} become new dependent variables. Similarly the velocity potential is replaced by a new function (Legendre transformation)[4]

Φ = x v x + y v y ϕ {\displaystyle \Phi =xv_{x}+yv_{y}-\phi }

such then its differential is d Φ = x d v x + y d v y {\displaystyle d\Phi =xdv_{x}+ydv_{y}} , therefore

x = Φ v x , y = Φ v y . {\displaystyle x={\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v_{x}}},\quad y={\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v_{y}}}.}

Introducing another coordinate transformation for the independent variables from ( v x , v y ) {\displaystyle (v_{x},v_{y})} to ( v , θ ) {\displaystyle (v,\theta )} according to the relation v x = v cos θ {\displaystyle v_{x}=v\cos \theta } and v y = v sin θ {\displaystyle v_{y}=v\sin \theta } , where v {\displaystyle v} is the magnitude of the velocity vector and θ {\displaystyle \theta } is the angle that the velocity vector makes with the v x {\displaystyle v_{x}} -axis, the dependent variables become

x = cos θ Φ v sin θ v Φ θ , y = sin θ Φ v + cos θ v Φ θ , ϕ = Φ + v Φ v . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}x&=\cos \theta {\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v}}-{\frac {\sin \theta }{v}}{\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial \theta }},\\y&=\sin \theta {\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v}}+{\frac {\cos \theta }{v}}{\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial \theta }},\\\phi &=-\Phi +v{\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v}}.\end{aligned}}}

The continuity equation in the new coordinates become

d ( ρ v ) d v ( Φ v + 1 v 2 Φ θ 2 ) + ρ v 2 Φ v 2 = 0. {\displaystyle {\frac {d(\rho v)}{dv}}\left({\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v}}+{\frac {1}{v}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial \theta ^{2}}}\right)+\rho v{\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial v^{2}}}=0.}

For isentropic flow, d h = ρ 1 c 2 d ρ {\displaystyle dh=\rho ^{-1}c^{2}d\rho } , where c {\displaystyle c} is the speed of sound. Using the Bernoulli's equation we find

d ( ρ v ) d v = ρ ( 1 v 2 c 2 ) {\displaystyle {\frac {d(\rho v)}{dv}}=\rho \left(1-{\frac {v^{2}}{c^{2}}}\right)}

where c = c ( v ) {\displaystyle c=c(v)} . Hence, we have

2 Φ θ 2 + v 2 1 v 2 c 2 2 Φ v 2 + v Φ v = 0. {\displaystyle {\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial \theta ^{2}}}+{\frac {v^{2}}{1-{\frac {v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}\Phi }{\partial v^{2}}}+v{\frac {\partial \Phi }{\partial v}}=0.}

See also


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  1. ^ Chaplygin, S. A. (1902). On gas streams. Complete collection of works.(Russian) Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 2.
  2. ^ Sedov, L. I., (1965). Two-dimensional problems in hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. Chapter X
  3. ^ Von Mises, R., Geiringer, H., & Ludford, G. S. S. (2004). Mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow. Courier Corporation.
  4. ^ Landau, L. D.; Lifshitz, E. M. (1982). Fluid Mechanics (2 ed.). Pergamon Press. p. 432.